MCPE 1.5.3

Download Minecraft PE 1.5.3 Update Aquatic for free on Android: more gameplay improvements, conduit, and additional marine content.

What’s new in MCPE 1.5.3?

Once again, Mojang Studios adds a variety of exciting features like undead mobs can no longer swim and will eventually turn into Drowned in Minecraft PE 1.5.3.


One of the most thrilling features of this overhaul is the conduit. At first glance, that little bizarre marine thing does nothing and works as an underwater decoration.

However, in reality, the conduit produces the energy you thought was impossible in MCPE 1.5.3. Once activated, it provides users with Night Vision and Underwater Breathing.

Moreover, it will, in fact, damage hostile mobs in its range, which varies from 32 to 96 blocks. Conduit also lits up the surrounding area.

Heart of the Sea

The only possible way to activate the conduit is by building the specific construction out of prismarine blocks in Minecraft PE 1.5.3.

The conduit itself is made of eight nautilus shells and one Heart of the Sea. Drowned drop these shells quite often, so it won’t be a big deal for you.

On the other hand, treasure chests nearly always possess the Heart. It means you only need to find a treasure map and the crate itself in MCPE 1.5.3.


Users who love to beat the game till it’s 100% done will be definitely happy to know that there are some extra achievements to score in Minecraft PE 1.5.3.

You get the “Do a Barrel Roll” achievement if you use your trident with the Riptide effect. “One Pickle, Two Pickle, Three Pickle, Four” can be scored by placing four sea pickles in one block.

Furthermore, feed a dolphin a fish, so it shows you the location of the most adjacent treasure and to get the “Echolocation.”

Last but not least is “Moskstraumen” advancement. All you need to do is to initiate the conduit in MCPE 1.5.3.



Kill some Drowned for it.

Surround it with some prismarine blocks.

It varies from 32 to 96 blocks around it.


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